Legal notices

Site editor

  • Corporate name: SNC DU DONJON
  • Legal form: General partnership (SNC)
  • Headquarters: 9, boulevard de la Marne
  • Telephone: +33 (0)2 77 64 57 57
  • E-mail: e.borla[at]
  • SIRET : 792 976 060 00022
  • Registration number in the Rouen Trade and Companies Register (RCS): 792 976 060
  • French Nomenclature of Activities (NAF): 5510Z (Hotels and similar accommodation)
  • Intra-community VAT number: FR88 792 976 060
  • Share capital: €100,000

Director of the publication

  • Director of publication: Emmanuel BORLA
  • Address: 6-8 rue du Donjon - 76000 Rouen
  • Telephone: +33 (0)2 77 64 57 70

Website host

  • Hosting company: OVH
  • Address: 2, rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix
  • Telephone number: 09 72 10 47 46

Website creation

  • Website creation: Human to Computer
  • Address: 24, boulevard de la Marne - 76000 Rouen
  • Telephone: 02 35 14 01 01